How Stack works : with java
Stack එකක් කියන්නෙ මොකක්ද ? මේ blog post එකෙන් ඒ ගැන කතා කරමු.
- What is a stack?
If you remove this item, then you can access the next-to-last item inserted
- what happens in a stack?
Insertions and deletions are restricted from the Middle and at the End of a Stack
Adding an item is called Push
Removing an item is called Pop
Elements are removed from a Stack in the reverse order of that in which the elements
were inserted into the Stack
The elements are inserted and removed according to the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle.
- Here is the java program to learn the work of a stack
package stack;
public class StackX {
private int maxSize ; //set the size of the stack array
private double[] stackArray;
private int top; //top of the stack
boolean empty;
public StackX(int s) {
maxSize = s;
stackArray = new double[maxSize];
top = -1;
//add items to the stack from 0th position
public void push(double j)
if(top == maxSize -1)
System.out.println("stack is full !");
stackArray[++top] =j;
System.out.println(" value "+ j +" enterd to the stack position " + top);
//removing values from the top
public double pop()
if(top == -1)
return 99;
return stackArray[top--];
//check whether the stack is empty
public boolean isEmpty()
if(top == -1 )
empty = true;
return empty;
//very similar to the pop
public double peek()
if(top == -1)
return -99;
return stackArray[top];
package stack;
public class StackApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
StackX st = new StackX(5);
st.push(10); //push items to the stack
System.out.println(); //space line only
while(!st.isEmpty()) //removing values from the stack until its empty
double val = st.pop();
System.out.println("removing value "+ val);
double val = st.peek();
System.out.println("removing value "+ val);
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